Friday, 23 September 2011

my daughter isn't very good for my ego...

One happy evening, when Sharanya was a lot younger and couldn't say much, except the occasional mumma and a very adamant NO, we'd just made it through an evening bath without either of us being injured. I was putting on her diaper and she looks at the cover of the Pampers diaper cover and points to the HIPPO on the cover and squeals - Mumma!!!

Another happy evening, a few weeks back Sharanya was spending some quality time with her parents - fooling around and generally having a good time. She suddenly points at her father and calls him mumma and then points at her mother (me) and says pappa and then stops to think and tells her father - you can't be mumma, mumma has dots on her face. Her father all but jumped with glee... he's still paying for it!

Kite flying... Another Memory Documented

... 15-Aug 11, kite flying with sharanya and she took to it like a fish to water.

The tiny speck is the kite the girls were flying...

Baani and Sharanya worked at it like they'd been flying kites for years...
We were colour/attire coordinated... right up to the beads around our necks...

And months later, she flew a kite at Penambur beach like a pro ... with shen keeping an eye on her.