Thursday, 31 May 2007

3 posts in a single day… and it’s a new world record!!!

Today happens to be the day my husband was born… well not exactly today… 28 years ago today. Anyway… to celebrate the day he was born, 28 years ago (incidently, he was born on a thursday), I decided to take him for lunch (for which he paid because it’s the end of the month and he doesn't pay me enough to last till the end of the month) to Chor Bizarre (recommended by Tarang). And we were not disappointed; the food was out of this world, the Nehari Gosht combined with Ulte Tawe ka Parantha was heavenly, the ambience was very nice and had a very Old Delhi look to it.

All and all a great dining experience, that is, until we were very rudely interrupted by an unwanted guest – A Cockroach. After which I pretty much lost my appetite, but my husband continued to enjoy his lunch, even taking the piece of "gosht" that I had refused to eat after catching a glimpse of our “friendly neighborhood bug”.

But to be fair, this is probably 1 in a millionth time that there was a cockroach walking on a table at Chor Bizarre (as my husband pointed out to me); unfortunately it was walking on my table and I’d have expected a restaurant with a repute like Chor Bizarre to maintain a certain level of hygiene.

Ranting and Raving - Part II

Some of those profound thought provoking writers or philosophers said that when you really want something to happen the entire world conspires to help you make it happen (I heard it from Anand Patkar though).
I myself believe in exactly the opposite... that the entire world conspires to make you "fat"

Thursday, 17 May 2007

boy am i cheezed off...

... may be the title should have been - hopping mad. Would have probably sounded exactly how I have been feeling for the past couple of days... I'm so pissed I could slap a couple of PILs around the place. I mean if you can have a PIL against Richard Gere and Shilpa Shetty or MF Hussain or Mohan the relatively unknown painter before and now a prominent one... then I can definitely file a PIL against half the bloody country. Starting from the jerk who chucks cans out of his car onto the road while driving, to the dirty old men in government offices who would rather stare at your boobs while talking than at your face, to the people driving cars with CD registration, who will obey each and every rule in their own country but when they are in India they'll park the car in the middle of the road or almost run you off the road, to the cops who stare at you as if you are naked even if you're clothed from head to toe to the rioters who damage buses and other public property that I have slogged my butt off and paid for (I'm a tax payer you see)… to the supposed moral police who think they must file a PIL against film stars and celebrities, when they could be questioning the condition of the roads... of education... of the safety of women... of water supply in villages... At least my PILs would have some semblance of sanity

Oh by the way… kudos to Nanda for training other prisoners in the jail where he has been for the last 7 years, in business and teaching them how they could start up their own small businesses… so PIL me…

Ranting and Raving over...

Sunday, 13 May 2007

... my mommy coolest...

Well she is!!! And I say so!!! Anyone who says otherwise will have to take on Shweta – the not so important second child and me – her first born and the spring in her stride…

She doesn't look a day over 32 (That’s the age at which she'll be for me for ever)...and by the energy with which she does things...I don't think she IS over 32. She can take on Shweta (the not so important second child) and me (the first born and the light of her life) and beat us hands down at anything. The most work we do around the house is taking the food from the plate into our mouths... and we still feel like that’s a lot of work. I honestly think she has this stash of energy drink stocked up somewhere... how else is it humanly possible to deal with 2 hooligans (her husband and the not so important second child) and look fresh as a flower at anytime of the day.

The most comforting place in the world is my mommy's cupboard. I just stick my head in and lie on a bunch of her sarees and soak in the "Harini" aroma. It is the most reassuring whiff of fragrance ever. She probably wonders why her clothes are all bunched up and crushed every time I’m visiting. Never ever… not even while she is sweating away in the kitchen doesn’t she smell of anything but “Harini aroma”…which is the nicest smell ever.

To me…at any age…even when I’m eighty… I can curl my arms and legs around her and sleep peacefully...


Saturday, 12 May 2007

The trials and tribulations of an aspiring MBA

I'm not talking from experience... because i pretty much sailed through the entire process of written test/GD/Interview/2 yrs of academics (cough...cough).

To set things straight... I didn't sail through the above because of my brilliance or anything... i was just unbelievably lucky... What else would you call someone who makes it through the written exam despite closing her eyes and pointing her pencil onto the paper to chose the right answers...or someone who made an elaborate sketch of a beach in Mangalore on the answer sheet... which included coconut trees with coconuts intact. Who else would go through a 1 hr interview for summer placements...completely confuse the interviewer and still get placed...

Anyway... we're digressing... Life isn't exactly easy... first you need to look for a place to stay and hope and pray that the people you end up staying with, are not related to pigs or kleptomaniacs or at the very least psychopathic murderers. You end up with one or the other kind anyway... Not that I'm calling you guys any of the above - Sanjukta and Vidya.

Then there's the stress of keeping up with the rest of the batch...doing the presentations impressively...submitting reports...passing exams. And thanks to the bloody relative scoring, the results are more often than not... quite a dampner.

I'm not even going to get into the Placement Week... the killer of all weeks

... and i've lost interest in this tata now

Friday, 11 May 2007

...and i win!!!

For the first time my whole life...i have won something and no less than on the radio - 2 tickets for the Spiderman 3 movie... How cool is that??? Very!!!

Ok...thats my blog for the moment... Apart from the fact that RJ Pratap thought i speak really well...ahem...ahem

Wednesday, 9 May 2007

Nagraj aur Thodanga ki mauth

According to my very venerable husband...if you've not read the Nagraj series of comics as a child...your childhood have been a complete and utter be damned Little Women and Charlie and the Chocolate factory and The Emperors New Clothes (which incidently is the first book i ever read.. not because i could read... but because i learnt it by heart...thanks my cousin Pavana who is a year older and had just learnt to read and she took it upon herself..and felt it was her moral duty to teach me to read...with an iron fist- quite literally) and so on and so forth. Though i think the Marvel comic series are in the same league (NOT)

Not straying too much into the horrors of my childhood and getting back to Nagraj Comics I did go to the website of Nagraj comics... (yes it exists and there are member also)... I figured that Nagraj or Raj (as he is fondly know as in his mortal guise) is a cross between Superman (Raj the "alter ego" is a shy Public relations officer of Bharti Communications... who is afraid of...hold you breath... snakes) and Spiderman (he shoots snakes from his wrist. Not having read the book knowledge sadly is from the website...but i have been promised 1 til then..i'll refrain from commenting.
By the way..for any interested party...the website is called
Till then...tally ho...

My blog for the very first time...

Having experimented with blogs in the past...and failed miserably... i try my hand at it yet again. Lets hope i fair a little bit better this time...

Wow!!! A complete blank...after the writing the last sentence...i went a complete blank...cudn't think of a single thing to say....(most of the people i know would say its a pretty routine thing to happen to me...) Could this be the reason my previous blogs failed.... hmmmm (the great mystery unfolds)