Thursday, 17 May 2007

boy am i cheezed off...

... may be the title should have been - hopping mad. Would have probably sounded exactly how I have been feeling for the past couple of days... I'm so pissed I could slap a couple of PILs around the place. I mean if you can have a PIL against Richard Gere and Shilpa Shetty or MF Hussain or Mohan the relatively unknown painter before and now a prominent one... then I can definitely file a PIL against half the bloody country. Starting from the jerk who chucks cans out of his car onto the road while driving, to the dirty old men in government offices who would rather stare at your boobs while talking than at your face, to the people driving cars with CD registration, who will obey each and every rule in their own country but when they are in India they'll park the car in the middle of the road or almost run you off the road, to the cops who stare at you as if you are naked even if you're clothed from head to toe to the rioters who damage buses and other public property that I have slogged my butt off and paid for (I'm a tax payer you see)… to the supposed moral police who think they must file a PIL against film stars and celebrities, when they could be questioning the condition of the roads... of education... of the safety of women... of water supply in villages... At least my PILs would have some semblance of sanity

Oh by the way… kudos to Nanda for training other prisoners in the jail where he has been for the last 7 years, in business and teaching them how they could start up their own small businesses… so PIL me…

Ranting and Raving over...

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