According to my very venerable husband...if you've not read the Nagraj series of comics as a child...your childhood have been a complete and utter waste...so be damned Little Women and Charlie and the Chocolate factory and The Emperors New Clothes (which incidently is the first book i ever read.. not because i could read... but because i learnt it by heart...thanks my cousin Pavana who is a year older and had just learnt to read and she took it upon herself..and felt it was her moral duty to teach me to read...with an iron fist- quite literally) and so on and so forth. Though i think the Marvel comic series are in the same league (NOT)
Not straying too much into the horrors of my childhood and getting back to Nagraj Comics I did go to the website of Nagraj comics... (yes it exists and there are member also)... I figured that Nagraj or Raj (as he is fondly know as in his mortal guise) is a cross between Superman (Raj the "alter ego" is a shy Public relations officer of Bharti Communications... who is afraid of...hold you breath... snakes) and Spiderman (he shoots snakes from his wrist. Not having read the book myself..my knowledge sadly is from the website...but i have been promised 1 book...so til then..i'll refrain from commenting.
By the way..for any interested party...the website is called http://www.rajcomics.com/HERO_OF_RAJ_COMICS/NAGRAJ/NAGRAJ.HTM.
Till then...tally ho...
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